Swing Rig Fittings for F48 / Mini40 Multihulls has been added to your Cart

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Ninja1000 - AC45 Style MultiOne Catamaran
Slim hulled light AC45 style Catamaran with identical beams and appendages as the Ninja with a length of 980mm and a beam of 1000mm. The Ninja1000 hulls are 80mm wide. The boat can be build with either our swing rig or a conventional rig.

The Ninja1000 can be shipped to countries with postal service length restrictions of 105cm.

Platform kit includes:

- Light primer coated hull halves hand laminated (two layers of fiber glass), tubes to accept the beams laminated into place already
- Appendages including T-Foil rudder
- CNC cut beam connector, mast & keel and rudder fittings
- carbon tubes for the beams

A swing rig kit for the Ninja1000 is available here. Use the Mini40 Fat Top B-rig for the MultiOne class and up to the full size Mini40 rig for the Mini40 class

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